Betekenis van:
fully grown
fully grown
Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
- geestelijk en lichamelijk volgroeid, met kenmerken daarvan
- (of animals) fully developed
- Hide is defined as ‘the outer covering or a mature or fully-grown animal of the larger kind, e.g. cattle, horses, camels, elephants, etc. …’.
- These ‘heated’ or ‘smutty’ grains are fully grown grains in which the tegument is coloured greyish brown to black, while the cross-section of the kernel is coloured yellowish grey to brownish black.
- Transplant seedlings with fully expanded cotyledons (10 to 14 days) into pasteurised potting compost. Eggplants or tomatoes should be grown in a glasshouse with the following environmental conditions prior to inoculation:
- “Damaged grains” also includes grains damaged by spontaneous heat generation or too extreme heating during drying; such grains are fully-grown grains in which the tegument is coloured greyish brown to black, while the cross-section of the kernel is coloured yellowish-grey to brownish-black.
- The serological and biological testing referred to in points 1 and 2 shall be done on glasshouse grown plants, sampled from at least two positions on every stem, including a young fully expanded leaflet at the top of each stem and an older leaflet from a midway position; each stem shall be sampled because of possible non-systemic infection.
- Hide is defined as ‘the outer covering or a mature or fully-grown animal of the larger kind, e.g. cattle, horses, camels, elephants, etc. …’. Skin is defined as ‘the outer covering of an animal of the smaller kinds, e.g. sheep and goats, or of the immature animals of the larger species, e.g. calves.
- Damaged grains also include grains damaged by spontaneous heat generation or too extreme heating during drying. These ‘heated’ or ‘smutty’ grains are fully grown grains in which the tegument is coloured greyish brown to black, while the cross-section of the kernel is coloured yellowish grey to brownish black.
- However, crops grown on areas which are fully sown and which are cultivated in accordance with local standards, but which do not attain the stage of flowering as a result of exceptional weather conditions recognised by the Member State concerned, shall remain eligible for aid provided that the areas in question are not used for any other purpose up to this growing stage.
- The barley of the arable farmers forms part of a fully registered and certified integrated chain, leading to an end product of high-quality beer. The two most important crops being grown in this region are starch potatoes and sugar beet.
- However, crops grown on areas which are fully sown and which are cultivated in accordance with local standards, but which do not attain the stage of lactic ripeness as a result of exceptional weather conditions recognised by the Member State concerned, shall remain eligible for the protein crop premium provided that the areas in question are not used for any other purpose up to this growing stage.
- A seamlessly closed leg-ring refers to a ring or band in a continuous circle, without any break or join, which has not been tampered with in any way, of a size which cannot be removed from the bird when its leg is fully grown after having been applied in the first days of the bird's life and which has been commercially manufactured for that purpose.
- However, in the case of the specific quality premium for durum wheat provided for in Title IV Chapter 1 of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 and of arable crops payment provided for in Title IV Chapter 10 of that Regulation, crops grown on areas which are fully sown and which are cultivated in accordance with local standards, but which do not attain the stage of flowering as a result of exceptional weather conditions recognised by the Member State concerned, shall remain eligible for aid provided that the areas in question are not used for any other purpose up to this growing stage.